Hi everyone, so we officially have our summer holidays!!!! Woohoo!!!! I hope some of you tried some of the challenges I posted!? Also I hope most of you were able to join in the Google Meet call to say goodbye to the 6th Class. I’m putting up some ideas that may come in useful to keep little minds occupied every now again over the coming months. A special thanks to all the moms and dads for working so hard with the boys and girls over the past few months, doing school work at home. Have a lovely summer everyone and stay safe.
Mr. Galvin
Hello everyone, we've come to our last few days of school. As promised I've put
together some fun challenges for you to try at home, maybe even get your family
involved?!? Come up with your own challenges and send them to me by email!
Senior Infants and 1st Class
Monday: Writing Frame if you wish to use it.....
Writing Frame
Picture Puzzles
Tricky Tuesday:
Challenge Day Part 1. Best of luck everyone. Try your best!
Challenge Day Part 2.
Finally here are some pictures from Our Gallery of Work:
So I’m really hoping you enjoy your fun challenges this week, try your best, it’s only a bit of fun! Please send any pictures or videos to my email address
mrgalvin2020@gmail.com. Mr.Galvin![]()
As most of you know by now, on Monday specific times: 1st Class from 12pm to 1pm and Senior Infants from 1pm to 2pm, have been allocated for books and copies to be given back to parents and for books to be collected from parents also that belong to the school. Siblings belongings will be collected at the oldest child’s time. For Senior Infants and 1st Class, if you could please return their Starlight English Core Readers that I gave out before we closed. Thanks in advance!
So today we had our Virtual School Tour where we saw some of the animals in Houston Zoo in Texas. It was great that everyone had their boarding passes ready, so we made our flight on time! Have a look here to see some more of the animals. Here is an idea of what it looked like from one passenger on the tour…..
Next week is our final few days in school and as promised I’ve some funny and tricky challenges for you to try. So keep an eye to this page on Monday morning to see what I have planned !!!!
Hope you all enjoyed Sports Day yesterday. Here are some photos…..
So only one more sleep left until our Virtual School Tour….. did anyone guess where we are going with the clues I gave? I can’t keep it in anymore…….drum roll please!!!!!
We’re going on a Virtual School Tour to Houston Zoo in Texas, USA!
Here is a little taster of what we might see….. See you all tomorrow!
Good morning! It’s Sports Day At Home!
So for today, have a Sports Day At Home. If the weather isn’t favourable , don’t worry…..as long as you are being active. Have a look at the link for Thursday to give you some ideas:
Other than those ideas, maybe try some of these traditional Sports Day Races:
Potato and Spoon Race, sack race, hopping on one leg race, balancing an object on your head race.
Target Practice:
Penalty Shootout, bowling, kick a ball at a target.
Come up with your own ideas and send me pictures or videos of your Sports Day At Home! Have Fun!!
Good morning everyone!
Only 2 more sleeps until our Virtual School Tour, I’m getting very excited. Here is your next clue as to our destination….It’s an outline of a map!?
For those of you who will be joining us, I will be emailing you a very important document tomorrow, that you will need for the tour! Hope everyone can make it.
Your first clue for where we will be going on our Virtual School Tour is:
There is a train station in Ireland with the same name…….🚆
Yesterday I set a challenge to try create a Chain Reaction…..Look at Daire’s creation! WOW!!!
Here is my letter I wrote to a person I admire…..Usain Bolt
Hello everyone, good morning!
So this is our last full week of school (I know, I’m sad too!). So to make this week as fun and active as possible, I’ve put together some challenges that I hope you’ll do your best at and try them. On Thursday it’s Virtual School Sports Day, which I hope you’ll enjoy also. There might be a BIG event happening on Friday too……..Shhhhhhh, it’s a secret!!!!!! Mr. Hyland will be sending out a text today (Monday) and it will explain what the plan is! Thanks also to those who wrote me a letter, I hope you enjoyed my replies!
Work June 15th – June 19th
Activities for Senior Infants and 1st Class:
Some ideas for Art:
Activities for 1st Class:
Also for any questions or to email me pictures/videos , please use my email address: mrgalvin2020@gmail.com
A quick look at Our Gallery of Work from last week:
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious week. I’m really excited about Friday and I’ll be in contact with Mommies and Daddies during the week about it. Again, stay safe, wash your hands…. you know the rest!
Mr. Galvin
Hi everyone,
It was wonderful to see some of you again last Friday on our Google Meet call. We had great fun doing a quiz and seeing the fantastic projects 1st Class had put together. Seeing as there’s only a few weeks of school left, I intend to make this time as fun as possible for you at home. I’ve included some activities this week that will hopefully make work a little more fun and enjoyable.
Work June 8th – 12th
Some activities for both Senior Infants and 1st Class:
Some activities for 1st Class:
Also for any questions or to email me pictures/videos , please use my new email address: mrgalvin2020@gmail.com
Finally a look at Our Gallery of Work for the past week:
Some fantastic work being done at home by so many children, it’s wonderful to see. Keep it up if you can, do what work you can and don’t worry with what you might not be able to do. Peppa says it’s ok!!!
Have a great week everyone, now that we can travel that bit further. Remember to stay safe by washing your hands, keeping social distancing etc.
Mr. Galvin
Hello again everyone,
I hope you had a lovely weekend, enjoying the glorious sunshine. It’s surreal to think we are now in June and have only a few weeks left. I hope some of you may have wrote to Sir David Attenborough? I may try and organise another video call for this Friday possibly. I’ll be in touch by email as usual. Here is this weeks work,a little less because of the Bank Holiday…
June 2nd – June 5th
Some activities for both Senior Infants and 1st Class:
Some activities for 1st Class only:
I know I might sound like a broken record at this stage, but a huge well done to everyone (children,parents and family) for doing your best in these difficult times. I hope to have some fun activities in the next few weeks also that will add some fun to the work I put on the website.
Also for any questions or to email me pictures/videos , please use my new email address: mrgalvin2020@gmail.com
Finally a look at Our Gallery of Work for the past week:
Have a super, amazing, incredible, fantastic week everyone. Stay safe!
Mr. Galvin
Hi everyone,
Hope you all had a lovely weekend. It’s hard to believe that we are in the last week of May. Can I just say how much I enjoyed doing the video call with Senior Infants and 1st Class last Wednesday. It was wonderful to see your faces and see those infectious smiles. Hopefully we’ll have another one really soon!
Briefly before we get onto this weeks work, I want to show you a random idea for today’s work. For Monday’s writing, I’ve asked you to write a letter to Sir David Attenborough. I wrote him a letter a few weeks ago and I got a reply last Friday….Have a look.
He would love for you to write him a letter, here is his address:
Sir David Attenborough,
5 Park Road
TW10 6NS
Anyhow back to this weeks work:
May 25th – May 29th
Activities for Senior Infants:
Activities for both Senior Infants AND 1st Class
Gifts from God song:
Activities for 1st Class:
Also for any questions or to email me pictures/videos , please use my new email address: mrgalvin2020@gmail.com
Thanks again so much to everyone for putting in such hard work over the past 2 months: to the wonderful children who are being so brave and to their parents and anyone who is helping them. Keep trying your best, I’m so proud of you…Oh yes, Peppa says she is really proud too!
Finally a look at Our Gallery of Work for last week:
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious week, the weather for the week looks good so get outdoors and exercise or relax, while maintaining social distancing and not forgetting to wash your hands.
Mr. Galvin