Welcome to our school website, which I hope reflects the warm and caring learning environment that exists in Geashill NS and the happy and progressive time that our pupils have with us.
It is a real privilege to be entrusted with a child’s primary school education. We always look forward to working in partnership with our parents so as to provide the best possible education for their child. Their co-operation is very important in helping us to make our school a place where every child will find happiness, friendship and encouragement to use his/her gifts.
We always encourage co-operation and a strong sense of community within the school so that all may enjoy acceptance and belonging and so that none will feel alienated or marginalized. We also strive to develop our core values of respect, knowledge and responsibility in every facet of our pupils’ education.
We are proud to have a dedicated and supportive Board of Management and Parents Association in our school. Our highly committed staff give of their best to enable each child to achieve his/her full potential in work, play and spiritual development. Our teachers energetically and creatively strive to provide a holistic education by guiding, nurturing and encouraging students. All school personnel engage in continuing professional development to ensure that standards of excellence are maintained.
We are fortunate to have a newly developed and well serviced school building at Geashill NS with seven spacious classrooms for both our mainstream and special classes. We are also in a position to offer many new and exciting teaching and learning resources in our school. Technology plays a central role, with all classrooms being equipped with the most up-to-date interactive whiteboards, laptops and tablets. Our well resourced special education rooms allow staff to provide quality support whenever it is needed. A general purpose room ensures that children have the space to fully explore and enjoy curricular areas like Drama, Music and Physical Education.
We focus on pupils’ strengths, so as to enhance every child’s self-esteem. The holistic development of the child is central to our Catholic ethos. The spiritual development of all pupils is seen as a high priority. In encouraging all of our students to develop and express their talents, we work to provide them with opportunities to represent the school in a variety of extracurricular activities. In doing so, we aim to instil a ‘sense of belonging to’ and a ‘sense of ownership of’ the school in our students. Achievements are celebrated and facilitated not alone in the academic realm but in this broad spectrum of extra-curricular activities that we offer.
We greatly appreciate that parents have entrusted their children to our care at Geashill N.S. It is the greatest privilege that they can ever afford us. I thank them for their continued support and co-operation.
Le gach dea ghuí,
Mícheál Hyland