Class Allocation 2020/21

Classes for the new school year will be as follows:

Junior Infants: Ms. Galvin

Senior Infants & 1st Class: To be recruited in the summer.

2nd & 3rd Classes: Mrs. Shaughnessy  (please note Mrs. Shaughnessy will be on maternity leave in September. A teacher will be recruited in the summer)

4th & 5th Classes: Mrs. Hyland

6th Class: Mr. Hyland

Cairdeas 1: Ms. Leonard

Cairdeas 2: Mrs. Kearns

Special Education Teachers: Ms. McGrath, Mrs. Bell & Ms. F Walsh


Information Video for our New Junior Infants

As it’s not possible for our new Junior Infants and their parents to visit the school at the moment, Ms Galvin has made a video to show them around our school.

More useful information can be found in this presentation.

This booklet might also be useful to look at.  In it there are some of the faces you’ll see every day in school.

We look forward to meeting you all later in the summer.


Latest News

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all keeping well.

It is hard to believe that June has arrived, the traditional month of school tours, sport’s days, our Open Day and lots of other fun end-of- year activities.

Since schools were closed in March the children have been interacting wonderfully well with all the teachers and some brilliant work has been completed and sent back.  You can see examples of some of this work in the respective class pages of the website. Well done to you all for the enthusiasm shown in what has been challenging times.

It has also been great to see the children and speak to them over the last few weeks through our Google Meet classes.

Now, with four weeks of school left, teachers will continue to post learning activities and, as before, just do what you can and don’t feel under pressure to complete all the work each day.

In the coming weeks we will be sending out end-of-year reports, booklists and a calendar for the new school year.  Hopefully within the next fortnight we will have a better idea of what school will be like in September as the Dept. of Education are due to issue guidance on the re-opening of schools.

We will also arrange a day towards the end of June for rental books to be returned and for any children’s belongings to be collected.

All teachers can be contacted by email and please feel free to get in touch with me at if you have any query whatsoever.

As always, thanks for your continued support.

Best wishes,

Mícheál Hyland