Welcome to Cairdeas 2!
Cairdeas 2 is a special class for deaf/hard of hearing children.
We invite you to explore our page to see all of the things that we are learning in school this year.
Thanks for visiting our page and be sure to check back in with us again for regular updates!
Online Learning from Cairdeas 2! Keep up the amazing work! 🙂 ______________________________________________________
Happy Christmas from Cairdeas 2!
Baking in Cairdeas 2!
We really do love to bake in Cairdeas 2! Since November, we have made rice krispie buns, cupcakes, hot chocolate and pizza! Take a look at our pictures below to see how much we enjoyed making these delicious treats and how much we really enjoyed eating them!!! 😉
Nature Walks in Cairdeas 2!
Science Week 2020!
Cairdeas 2 had great fun during Science Week! We did lots of fun activities. We were very excited to make a little explosion by using coke and mentos! We also made some cloud dough out of hair conditioner and corn flour! Take a look at our videos and pictures below to see all of the fun we had!
We are always having fun in Cairdeas 2!