We enjoyed eating apples and mangetout today!
Author: admin
1st and 2nd Class
1st and 2nd Class had a little treat today to celebrate Pancake Tuesday. Is breá linn pancóga!
Junior Infants
Junior Infants had a visit from “Bella” the kitten and “Terrance” the hamster this week. They really enjoyed seeing both pets.
Cairdeas 2 keeping fit!
It’s great fun doing exercise every day with RTE Junior and 10 at 10! Why not try it at home too!
Cairdeas 2 Maths
We were using tablets to learn about place value.
Junior Infants
Our Aistear theme this month is all about animals. We were very excited to have a visit from “Bradley” a ten week old Labrador puppy. The children really enjoyed this visit and learned a lot about caring for animals.
Internet Safety Day
As Internet Safety Day took place on Tuesday this week it might be a good time to take a look at http://zeeko.ie/ for some tips and reminders on how to use the internet safely and in an age-appropriate manner.
The school held very informative workshops for children, teachers and parents back in September on the area of internet safety.
Credit Union Quiz
Many congratulations to our two quiz teams who took part in the Tullamore Credit Union Quiz on Tuesday evening. Over twenty schools from the Tullamore area took part in a very tense and exciting competition. The junior team made up of children from 3rd and 4th Classes finished 5th which was a very good performance.
Our senior team did even better and came in 2nd place which was a really wonderful achievement. They now move on to the All-Ireland Final which takes place in Blanchardstown on Saturday March 3rd.
Well done to everyone for all the great work over the last couple of weeks.
3rd & 4th Classes
In Science 3rd & 4th Classes learned about the digestive system. They enjoyed playing a matching game in groups.
In Drama and History they went back in time to the marketplace in Ancient Egypt where they bartered different items.
In SPHE they have been learning about the power of advertising. In pairs, they designed posters advertising a new product they invented themselves.
Junior Infants
Last week the Junior Infants were very busy making robots using recycled materials. See what a great job they all did.