Author: admin
Grandparents’ Day
We had a wonderful day on Wednesday when we welcomed our grandparents to the school for Grandparents’ Day.
Following a short prayer service our guests visited their grandchildren in their classrooms where they answered questions, played music, sang, played board games, knitted and performed card tricks. The children loved showing their grandparents examples of their work as well as entertaining them with some songs, music and poems.
The day ended with some tea and coffee in the hall.
Cairdeas 2
Look….we found tesselation in our classroom.
Cairdeas 2
We were weighing using a balance.
Catholic Schools’ Week
Once again this year to mark Catholic Schools’ Week, children from 1st to 6th Classes will be singing in the choir at 7.30 Mass in Raheen Church on Saturday February 2nd.
Grandparents’ Day
We are looking forward to welcoming as many grandparents as possible to our Grandparents’ Day on Wednesday 30th January. There will be a prayer service in the school hall at 11.15am. Then grandparents can visit their grandchildren in their classrooms. Tea and coffee will follow. We would love any grandparent who plays music, sings or has another talent to share them with the children on the day.
Enrolment for 2019/20
We are now taking enrolment applications for the 2019/20 school year. Application forms are available from the office or at the link below. Completed applications along with the child’s birth certificate should be returned to the office on or before Wednesday January 30th.
Enrolment Application Form 2019
Cairdeas 2 using tangrams
We are having fun using Tangrams in our Maths this week. Tangrams is a traditional Chinese puzzle made of a square divided into seven pieces (one parallelogram, one square and five triangles) that can be arranged to match particular designs.
Geashill Village features on RTE 1 Programme Eco Eye
The village and school featured on the RTE 1 programme Eco Eye on Monday evening. The programme was about the plight of the bumblebee and what we can do to help it. A crew visited the village and school in the summer to record a segment for the progamme. Well done to Pat and Karen from the Geashill Tidy Towns’ Committee who spoke so well about all the work going on in the village to promote pollination. Well done to the children who featured also.
Take a look at the programme at the link below. The part on Geashill can be seen in the second half of the programme.
School Holidays
The school will be closing for the Christmas holidays on Friday 21st December and will reopen on Monday 7th January.
We wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.