5th and 6th Classes had lots of fun creating and working on a variety of science experiments. They learned about central fugal forces, weight distribution, static electricity, surface tension and much more. It was an enjoyable way to mark Science Week 2019.
Author: admin
Hallowe’en Fun!
We had lots of fun for Hallowe’en. A special well done to the children who made their own costumes from recyclables on the theme of “Climate Change Horror”.
Fun with Cairdeas 1 and Senior Infants
Autumn Walks
Hallowe’en Costumes Art
5th & 6th Class Work
5th and 6th Classes have been learning about the Bronze Age in History. They made some lovely tools, pots, jewellery and weapons using clay as part of Art Class.
In SPHE they have been working on the theme of Friendship.
In Science they have carried out experiments to find out how fast their reactions are as well as to discover what fire needs to burn.
Geashill Village on TG4
Geashill village featured on TG4 yesterday evening.
Take a look at the video here.
Learning about seeds in Cairdeas 2
We are learning about seeds in science. We had fun looking for seeds outside in the school hedge. Afterwards we has a closer look at them.
Cairdeas 2 SPHE
In Cairdeas 2 each one is special. In fact our class is One in Minion!!
Offaly Cross Country Athletics
Well done to the children who took part in the Offaly Cross Country Athletics in Tullamore Harriers on Tuesday October 1st. They all trained very hard over the past few weeks and should be proud of their achievement.
Tidy Towns
Well done to everyone involved in Geashill Tidy Towns for their great success at the annual awards. Geashill were Gold Medal Winners, County Offaly Winners, National Pollinator Award Winners, 2nd in the National Village Category and only two points behind overall winners Glaslough. A thoroughly deserved result for all the hard work and dedication.
Read Geashill’s adjudication report here.
Dates for First Communion and Confirmation
Confirmation: Friday 13th March at 2.30pm in St. Joseph’s Church Ballinagar.
First Holy Communion: Saturday 16th May at 11.30am in St. Mary’s Church, Raheen.