Nativity Play

Our Nativity Play took place on Thursday 19th in St. Mary’s Church, Raheen.

Well done to all the children for their hard work rehearsing over the last number of weeks.  It was well worth all the effort.  It was wonderful to see such support from parents, grandparents, past pupils and the wider community.

Thanks to all of our teachers and SNAs for their hard work preparing the children.  Thanks also to Msgr. Coonan for his help throughout the year.

Public Health Notice-Influenza and Winter Vomiting Bug

Over the last couple of weeks there has been an increase in children presenting with cold and flu type symptoms as well as tummy bugs.

We received a letter from the HSE today outlining best practice in relation to Influenza and the Winter Vomiting Bug.  You can read it here.

Also, take a look at this diagram below for further guidance.