Recently the children from 5th and 6th class took part in a photography competition organised by INSPA. The theme of the competition was “Second Life”. The pupils got their thinking caps on and captured some beautiful images around the school, a sample of which can be seen in this collage.
Author: admin
While the senior classes have been busy with swimming lessons, Mr Galvin’s class have been learning about Primary Aquatics Water Safety (PAWS).
PAWS teaches children how to be safe around water in homes, farms, pools, beaches and on our waterways. Further information on PAWS can be found here:
Green School Bottlebusters!
Our Green School committee has been working very hard this year on a project for a competition run by the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland). Read all about their great work on their newsletter here or below.
Watch the Bottlebusters’ film below!
Grandparents’ Day
We had a wonderful time celebrating Grandparents’ Day on Wednesday 29th January. We welcomed a great number of grandparents from all over the country. Our celebrations started with a prayer service in our school hall. Then our grandparents visited their grandchildren in the classrooms. To finish the day tea and coffee was served. Thanks to all the grandparents who visited.
Child Safeguarding
At its meeting on Monday 27th January the Board of Management reviewed and ratified its Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment. The board also carried out its annual audit of Child Safeguarding Procedures.
See the Child Safeguarding Statement 2020 below or here.
Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment 2020
Notification of Board of Management’s review of Child Safeguarding Statement can be seen below.
Junior Entrepreneur Programme
5th and 6th Classes have been very busy working on their business ideas as part of the JEP. There was great excitement on Thursday when they had to pitch their ideas in a Dragons’ Den format. All the groups presented very well and the Dragons, local shop owner Fergus Byrne, Tullamore AIB Bank Manager Paul Maloney and teacher Mr. Galvin were very impressed. In the end they chose a combination of two of the businesses to be the overall class business. All the class will be working together for the next 6 weeks developing, marketing and selling Healthy Habits Cook Book as well as Protein 7’s protein snacks.
Vex Robotics
It’s all systems go for the Vex Robotic Challenge which is taking place on Friday 31st January in Coláiste Choilm. This competition is for primary schools in County Offaly. Children have to work collaboratively to design, build and programme robots to complete various challenges. Last year our school won the coding/programming section of the competition and we wish all the pupils taking part this year the best of luck.
Tag Rugby
Tag rugby has started back. Thanks to Tullamore Rugby Club and coach John Burns for this very enjoyable activity.
Be Active!
We have been very active here in school since we came back after Christmas. Tag rugby has begun again for the senior classes, swimming begins on Friday, Offaly Sports Partnership is running a six week P.E programme for the Cairdeas children and all classes have been very active at lunchtimes and during P.E. classes. To keep up the activity why not take part in the Operation Transformation walk on Saturday 18th January in Tullamore. See full details below.