Bottlebusters go to Limerick!

Our brilliant Bottlebusters headed to Limerick to take part in the regional final of the One Big Idea competition organised by the Sustainable Energy Association of Ireland.  Their film about banning plastic bottles from the school was shown on a cinema screen. Then they delivered their Power Point presentation to all the other pupils, teachers and judges.  While they didn’t win any prizes on the day, they were wonderful representatives of the school and their message of cutting out the use of plastic has been spread far and wide! Well done to them all and a big thanks to Ms. Galvin and Mrs. Shaughnessy for all their guidance and support.

Watch their film below.

See their Powerpoint presentation here.


Active School Update

Playground Leadership Training

Last week pupils from 5th and 6th class trained to become Playground Leaders. Jean Brady from Offaly Sport Partnership provided a workshop teaching the pupils to lead younger pupils in structured, fun games at lunchtime. The Playground Leaders were taught skills to promote effective communication, inclusion, organising fair groups/teams and team building skills. Take a look at the video below.

Regular Active School updates can be found here:

Great Success at Tullamore Credit Union Quiz

Congratulations to both of our quiz teams who have carried on our great tradition at the Tullamore Credit Union Quiz on Wednesday 12th of February.

Our junior team made up of pupils from 3rd and 4th Classes won their competition against 18 other primary schools from the Tullamore area.  It was a wonderful achievement and we are all very proud of the pupils involved.

Our senior team made up of pupils from 5th and 6th Classes did really well also.  They came second in their competition and will now advance to the All-Ireland Final which takes place in Blanchardstown on Saturday March 7th.

Election Fever hits Geashill N.S.

Over the last few days the senior classes have been learning all about how elections work in Ireland.  Today they put all the learning into practice when everyone from 3rd to 6th Class went to the polls.  Five cartoon characters were the candidates and there were two seats to be filled.  Jerry (from Tom & Jerry) topped the poll and was elected on the first count.  On the fourth count Tweety was elected having reached the quota.  Lots of learning and some fun too.