Our September newsletter can be read here.
Please click here to see the school calendar for the year ahead.
Our delayed First Communion ceremony takes place on Saturday October 3rd at 11am in Raheen Church.
Parents of 3rd Class can read a letter regarding First Communion here.
Parents can now pay all school bills on the online payment page of our website.
You can access the page here.
Some photographs of the preparations for our return to school.
The Acting Chief Medical Officer has written a letter to parents. You can read it here.
See our Logistics Plan for the safe reopening of our school here.
Further public health advice was sent to schools on Thursday 27th of August. It can be read here.
Read a letter to parents and staff dated August 26th here.
The Dept. of Education has published advice for parents before the return to school. You can see it here.
Read a letter from the Dept. of Education to parents of children using school transport here.
Read a letter to parents outlining our arrangements for staggered morning drop off and evening pick up dated August 17th here.
Read a letter to parents and staff members dated August 13th here.
Read a letter to parents and staff dated August 5th here.
Read our school’s Covid-19 Response Plan here..
Read our Covid-19 Policy Statement here.
Minister of Education Norma Foley has written a letter for parents. You can read it here.
You can see the recently published Roadmap to Reopening Primary Schools here.
The Confirmation ceremony for our pupils in 6th Class took place on Saturday 1st August. We were all so disappointed that the original ceremony due to take place on March 13th had to be postponed but now almost five months later, with certain restrictions, we were able to celebrate this wonderful occasion together.
Congratulations to all involved!
Everyone in the school wishes all of 6th Class the very best in the years to come.
We are looking forward to welcoming some of our pupils back to school on Monday July 20th as we begin the summer provision programme.
Please read our School Covid-19 Response Plan which outlines our policies and procedures towards a safe re-opening of our school.