Author: admin
Dawn Chorus in Geashill!
Listen to the beautiful sounds of the birds recorded recently. Thanks to Geashill Tidy Towns for providing us with the video.
Active School Week 2021
What a week we had for Active School Week. Well done to everyone who participated so enthusiastically both at home and in school. Take a look at our attempt at ‘Jerusalema’. We really enjoyed putting it together.
Take a look at some of the activities our Junior Infants took part in.
Kerry footballer Jason Foley has sent us this video to encourage us all to be really active this week. Thanks to Mr. Galvin for organising this.
Our Friday challenges are from Ms. Burke, Ms. Bourke, Ms. O’Brien and Ms. Caffrey.
Thursday’s challenge is a skipping one set for us by Ms. Galvin. Get those skipping ropes out and give it a try.
Wednesday’s challenge is from Mr. Galvin. Try your best and give this a go!
Tuesday’s challenges are from Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Gorman and Ms. Connolly. See how you all get on doing these.
Well done to everyone who gave these challenges a try today. We are all very impressed. Take a look at some of the videos we were sent in.
Here’s your challenge for Monday. Can you do this dance better than Mr. and Mrs Hyland? Give it a go and get all your family involved!
Well done to everyone who took on the challenge. Take a look at these videos.
Phased Reopening of our School
It was lovely to have all our classes back in the building again. There was lots of activity, learning and fun in all our classrooms.
We are looking forward to welcoming 4th, 5th & 6th Classes back to the school building on Monday 15th March. Before then, please see the information below.
Principal’s Letter to Parents 11th March
Video for Parents before the Return to the School Building on March 15th
Video for Pupils before the Return to the School Building on March 15th
It was great to see Junior Infants to Third Class back with us on Monday, March 1st. One of our Senior Infant pupils surprised us all with a lovely poster!
We welcomed our two Cairdeas classes back to school on Monday, February 22nd.
Principal’s Letter to Parents Feb 26th
Letter to Parents from Deputy Chief Medical Officer Ronan Glynn
Letter to Parents from Education Minister Norma Foley
Click here to access the most up to date information for parents from the Department of Education.
Please note that before returning to school after this closure and after any absence this Return to Education Form must be filled in by parents.
Read our school’s Covid-19 Response Plan here.
Read our Covid-19 Policy Statement here.
Information on the Supplementary Programme to Support the Education or Care Needs of Pupils can be read here.
Admissions for 2021/22
Take a look at the video which we hope gives you a flavour of life in our school.
If you are interested in enrolling a child for 2021/22 please click here.
For more information please contact the school by emailing or by phoning 057 9343754.
Remote Teaching and Learning
We have returned to remote teaching and learning. Well done to everyone who has engaged so well with their teachers and various activities since January 11th. Keep trying your best and hopefully we’ll be back together in the school building soon.
Take a look at a selection of the wonderful work completed by our pupils this week! Well done everyone!
The best way to contact all the class teachers is through Class Dojo.
Support teachers can be contacted at the email addresses below.
I can be contacted by emailing and if you are worried about any aspect of your child’s school work or if you need some IT support please get in touch.
Please read a letter to parents from the Minister of Education, Norma Foley.
Grandparents’ Day
We celebrated Grandparents’ Day on Wednesday 27th January. Take a look at the video below to see some of the great work the girls and boys did to remember their grandparents.
School Update
Following the latest government announcement all classes will move to online teaching/learning from Monday 11th of January.
Happy Christmas!
The school is closed for the Christmas holidays. Following the government announcement on Wednesday December 30th, the school will now re-open on Monday 11th January. We wish everyone a Happy, Peaceful and Safe Christmas and New Year.