Tuesday 31st March 2020 An Mháirt 31ú Márta 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoy the activities I have for you today! Keep showing me the work you are doing by photo or by typing the work in your Class Dojo folder. That way we can keep in touch. Please keep a record of the work you do every day in your homework journal or in the Class Dojo folder. Remember to keep active too, in the garden or by doing www.gonoodle.com activities inside. Don’t worry about the work I have given you. Just try your best!
If you wish:
Ms. McGrath’s pupils can contact her at trishmcgrath2016@gmail.com
Ms Walsh’s pupils can contact her at fwalshsen@hotmail.com
Mrs. Bell’s pupils can contact her at mrsdbell20@gmail.com
Click here to listen.
Click here to join in!
Some GAA skills and other learning activities are available here.
Then click on the teacher section and select primary school activities.
3rd- harp, sharp, carpet, target
4th- fable, across, done, about
Gaeilge- ghlan ( glon) cleaned, ghearr (Gy/ar)cut (past tense)
ghoid (gwid) stole
Tables: x9 ÷9
Léitheoireacht L.122
Éist leis anseo!
Audio Player
Féach ar L. 125. Éist leis agus tarraing na rudaí isteach.
Audio Player
3rd- Look at page 142. Problem solving- The Animal Rescue Centre
Write a division sentence for each problem no. 1-7. Then divide.
4th- Look at page 142. Multiplication- Rounding.
Answer questions 2-6 and the challenge. Remember the zero when multiplying by a 2-digit number. Estimate your answer first by rounding.
Reading page 111- The Talking Horse/ The Golden Harp
Use your dictionary to find out the meanings of the red words. You do not have to write the meanings into your copy.
Shared reading- Street Child Chapter 7 The Wild Thing.
To learn more about the workhouse in the 1860s, watch this.
What 3 new facts have you learned from this video. Draw a picture of one of them.
Today we are going to think about friendship and how we should treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
Record words we associate with friends and friendship in your copy.
Think about what makes a good friend.
Some examples are, being honest; being loyal; sharing things and sharing our feelings with one another; listening to your friends; being helpful and thoughtful; and spending time with your friends.
Remember we cannot be friends with everyone, but it is important that we treat everyone with respect.
Friend Poem: Write an Acrostic Poem using the word ‘FRIEND.’
Look at Chapter 20, page 80. Rivers, Lakes and Mountains.
We will focus on rivers today.
Watch a video on the story of the River Severn here
For the next two activities you must have a Twinkl account. You can sign up for free at twinkl.ie/offer Use the free offer code CVDTWINKLHELPS
Learn some more about the story of a river here.
Play the river quiz here.
Finally draw a labelled picture of the course of a river.
Here are some examples to help you.
Monday 30th March 2020 An Luan 30ú Márta 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoy the activities I have for you today! Keep showing me the work you are doing by photo or by typing the work in your Class Dojo folder. That way we can keep in touch. Please keep a record of the work you do every day in your homework journal or in the Class Dojo folder. Remember to keep active too, in the garden or by doing www.gonoodle.com activities inside. Don’t worry about the work I have given you. Just try your best!
Click here to listen.
Click here to join in.
Zumba kids or indoor recess activities on www.gonoodle.com will get you active too.
3rd- dart, smart, partner, artist
4th- able, table, timetable, stable
Gaeilge- dhá (gaw) (2) dhún (goon) (closed) dhúisigh (goo/shig) (woke up)
Tables: x9 ÷9
Léitheoireacht- L.122 Éist leis anseo!
Audio Player
Féach ar an bpictiúr agus freagair na ceisteanna ó bhéal. (orally)
You do not have to write the answers to these questions.
Sa chóipleabhar tarraing do sheomra ranga.
3rd class
Look at page 141. These are two-step problems.
First watch the video here.
Then answer questions 2,3,4,5,6
4th class- First look at the hill. Get a toy car. Follow the instructions to play the game. Remember
Now look at page 142. Do number 1. Estimate your answer first before multiplying.
Reading page 110 The Talking Horse/The Golden Harp
Use your dictionary to look up the red words.
You do not have to write down the definitions.
Read Chapter 6 of Street Child. This can be a shared reading activity.
Name three things you have learned about the workhouse from this chapter.
What three words would you use to describe Tip.
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Easter Week. Click here to watch how Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey.
Colour this picture of Jesus entering the city of Jerusalem or draw your own.
We have been learning about bridges. Many bridges have arches.
See Chapter 22.
Read more about bridges here and here
Watch these videos to learn more.
Now make the four different types of bridge shown on the sheet below and record the strength of each.
Draw your favourite design of bridge.
Friday 27th March 2020 An Aoine 27ú Márta 2020
Click here to listen!
Click here to join in.
Zumba kids or indoor recess activities on www.gonoodle.com will get you active too.
Spellings & Tables: Ask someone to give you a test!
3rd class- Some more division examples to do. Watch yesterday’s video if you need a quick reminder.
4th class- Some more multiplying for you to try. Watch yesterday’s video again to remind yourself of what to do. Read the problem and write a multiplying sentence. Then do the sum. Don’t forget the zero!!!!!
Léitheoireacht L.117
Éist leis anseo.
Audio Player
Líon na bearnaí.
Tá cluiche anseo.
Read Chapter 5 of Street Child.
You don’t have to write the answers to these questions.
Why doesn’t Jim think of the workhouse as home?
What is the difference between a house and a home?
Tell me 3 things you have learned from these rules in the workhouse.
Feeling Safe and Unsafe
You don’t have to write the answers to these questions. Just think about them as you listen to Luca’s story.
What do you think Luca should do?
What can we learn from Luca’s story?
Click Here for Luca’s story.
Remember, it is very important to tell an adult that can do something to help. Can you think of other examples of a situation where you might feel unsafe and telling an adult could make a difference, for example: – Waking up at night-time after a bad dream – Feeling frightened if someone is late picking you up – On your walk to school, there is a house with a very big dog that you are frightened of.
What could you do in these situations?
Think of Tell 5 adults from previous Stay Safe lessons in Infants or 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes. Think about adults you would tell if you felt unsafe or were worried or upset by something.
Here are some ideas you might like to try!
Newpaper is the base for the shark and the cat. While the doodling with markers is on tin foil. Pick your favourite and give it a try!
Thursday 26th March 2020 An Déardaoin 26ú Márta 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoy the activities I have for you today! Keep showing me the work you are doing by photo or by typing the work in your Class Dojo folder. That way we can keep in touch. Please keep a record of the work you do every day in your homework journal or in the Class Dojo folder. Remember to keep active too, in the garden or by doing www.gonoodle.com activities inside. Don’t worry about the work I have given you. Just try your best!
David Walliams is releasing a free audio story every day for the next 30 days. They might be fun. You can find them here.
Click here to join in.
Zumba kids or indoor recess activities on www.gonoodle.com will get you active too.
3rd class- window, shadow, arrow, narrow
4th class- visitor, terror, terrified, terrible
Gaeilge- turcaí (turkey) tralaí (trolley)
Tables: x8 ÷8
3rd class- Look at page 140. Today’s work is dividing bigger numbers with remainders.
Watch a video here.
Now answer questions 3 and 4.
4th class- More long multiplication examples for you to do. Don’t worry about estimating today. We will do more work on that soon.
Léitheoireacht L.117 Éist leis anseo.
Audio Player
Féach ar L.120 Éist le seo agus líon na bearnaí. Tarraing bosca lóin Chiara.
Audio Player
Please do one line of each letter and word in your handwriting copy. Try to write as neatly as possible.
Read Street Child Chapter 4.
How do you think Jim is feeling now, at the end of Chapter 4?
In your opinion, what is he thinking?
The Salamanca, The Banshee and The Sailor’s Bonnet are three reels often played in a set. Many of the instruments you identified last week are used to play these traditional Irish tunes.
Click here to listen. Listen again to the first one, The Salamanca. Listen to the beginning (1), middle (2) and the end (3). Write 1,2 or 3 in the correct box.
Look at Chapter 15 The Celts. Read the chapter. This can be a shared reading activity.
If you would like to find out extra information about the Celts click on the links below to read more.
Now look at page 60. There are 8 artefacts from Celtic times in the red box. Pick 3 and imagine you are an archaeologist. Tell me what you think.
The Celts loved jewellery. Here is an example of a Celtic brooch. Colour this one or design your own.
Wednesday 25th March 2020 An Chéadaoin 25ú Márta 2020
David Walliams is releasing a free audio story every day for the next 30 days. They might be fun. You can find them
If you would like to join in or follow another video-
Click here!
3rd class- bowl, slowly, thrown, throwing
4th class- mirror, error, junior, senior
Gaeilge- torthaí (fruit) geansaí (jumper)
Tables: x8 ÷8
3rd class
First, look at this. Use colours, pieces of Lego or cards to work this out.
Now look at page 139 and watch the video here. You may need to watch it many times. Play it as you do No.1 a,b,c.
4th class-
Look at page 141 and watch a video here.
You may need to watch it many times. Answer questions 1 and 2.
Léitheoireacht L.116 Éist leis anseo.
Audio Player
Féach ar seo!
Déan é seo anois! L.119
Read Chapter 3 of Street Child.
What views are expressed about the workhouse?
What do you think will happen to Jim and his mother?
We are going to think about Jim at this point in the novel and again at the end of the story. Pick three words to describe Jim, in your opinion. If you are not sure what the words mean, look them up in a dictionary. Suggest at least one new word to describe Jim.
Look at Chapter 15 Building a House on page 59. Read the chapter.
Take a walk around the outside and the inside of your house. What are the building materials you can see? Can you think of any you can’t see? Record them. Choose one material and record the properties of it. Use the wordbank to help you.
You could do some building with Lego, Minecraft or cardboard boxes.
Monday 23rd March 2020 An Luan 23ú Márta 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoy the activities I have for you today! Keep showing me the work you are doing by photo or by typing the work in your Class Dojo folder. That way we can keep in touch. Please keep a record of the work you do every day in your homework journal or in the Class Dojo folder. Remember to keep active too, in the garden or by doing www.gonoodle.com activities inside. Don’t worry about the work I have given you. Just try your best!
PE: This might be a good way to start the day. There are also a number of The Body Coach workouts for kids available on YouTube.
You can find it here.
Tables: x8 ÷8
3rd- boast, coast, roast, toast ( Two vowels going out walking, the first one does the talking!)
4th-sailor, tailor, motor, doctor
cácaí (cakes) cártaí (cards) cótaí (coats)
3rd class: Page 137 No. 1,2,3,4. Try the challenge too! Use your twistables, colouring pencils or markers instead of straws and lollipop sticks.
4th class: Page 139 No. 1,2,3 Multiplication as repeated addition.
Éist le seo agus léigh an comhrá ar leathanach 116.
Audio Player
Féach ar an bpictiúr ar leathanach 115 agus freagair na ceisteanna ó bhéal. (orally)
Tarraing ár scoil agus scríobh ainm na scoile. Scoil na Croise Naofa, Géisill.
Reading- Page 106
Look up the red words in the dictionary. You don’t have to write out the meanings but see if you could use the words in a sentence. Tell someone your sentences.
Look at the cover of the book “Street Child”. Before you begin to read, write down in two sentences what you think this book is about. Read “Tell me your story Jim” and Chapter 1. This can be a shared reading activity with a parent or older sister or brother.
Some questions to consider.
Who is telling the story?
How do you imagine Barnie may have changed Jim’s life?
When you have read Chapter 1, give a summary of what happens in 3 or 4 sentences. Draw an image from the first chapter.
Try not to read on!
Here is a Lenten wordsearch for you to try!
We all have feelings and, over the next few days, we are going to talk about them. We will name some of them and discuss how we can deal with them. Record all the feeling words you can think of.
What are feelings? Everyone has feelings. Our feelings are constantly changing – sometimes we feel happy, sometimes we feel sad or lonely or angry. If something good happens to us, it can make us feel happy or excited. If something bad happens to us, it can make us feel sad or scared. Feelings are like messages, they are not good or bad – every feeling tells us something. It is important to listen to our feelings and to try to understand them.
Listening to our Feelings There are times when we can have lots of different feelings about something that happens. For example, you let your favourite toy or phone or tablet fall and it breaks. How might you feel?
Anger that your toy/phone/tablet is broken –
Upset because you know your parents spent a lot of money on it. –
Guilt because you were told not to bring it out with you.
Art Activity – Bottle the Feeling:
Choose a feeling. You have been selected to design a bottle to contain that feeling. You must decide how the bottle might look – the shape of the bottle, the colour of it. At the end of the activity somebody must try to guess the feeling.
Look at pages 56, 57. We are now going to look at building single span bridges.
Work through the instructions and record what happens with diagrams and key sentences. Good luck!
Remember to take breaks between activities. Don’t worry if you don’t get it finished. Stop when your parents think you should. Tomorrow is another day!
Tuesday 24th March 2020 An Mháirt 24ú Márta 2020
Good morning everyone!
Click here to join in!
If this doesn’t suit, here is something else to try.
Zumba kids or indoor recess activities on www.gonoodle.com will get you active too.
Tables: x8 ÷8
3rd- oak, cloak, coal, coach
4th- minor, major, razor, mayor
Gaeilge- Leabhar nótaí (notebook)
moncaí (monkey)
stocaí (socks)
Éist le seo agus léigh an comhrá ar leathanach 116.
Audio Player
Féach ar seo ar dtús. Ansin féach ar leathanach 118.
3rd class- Page 138 The repeated subtraction method. Use your twistables or pieces of Lego to do the subtracting. Remember in a division sentence the big number always goes first! 30÷3=10 54÷9=6 72÷8=9
Do questions 1,2,3,4 You don’t have to write the question in numbers 2,3,4. Try the challenge!
4th class-Page 140 This is short multiplication. The only difference is, we have hundreds to multiply too. Remember to put down the units and carry the tens every time you multiply a digit. Look at the green box on page 140 to remind yourself of what to do. Do questions 3 & 4.
The Talking Horse/The Golden Harp Reading page 107.
Answer B on page 108. Use your dictionary if you are not sure of a word.
Shared reading- Street Child Chapter 2
Some questions to think about.
What evidence can you find that this is a loving family, who care for each other?
Why doe Emily insist that their mother is not sick?
Why does Emily sigh when Jim confesses to buying the pie?
Do these episodes tell us anything about the differences between the two children?
In 3 sentences tell me what happened in Chapter 2. Draw a picture of the most significant or important part of the chapter.
Try not to read on!
Today we are going to talk about times when we feel safe and times when we don’t feel safe, and about what we can do when we don’t feel safe.
There are times when we feel safe and there are times when we don’t feel safe. Now we are going to hear a story about Olivia and I want you to listen carefully for the times when Olivia felt safe and for the times when she didn’t feel safe.
Click here for Olivia’s story.
You don’t have to write the answers to these questions. Just think about them as you listen to Olivia’s story.
How does Olivia feel about going to France? –
What is helping Olivia to feel the way she does? –
What had made Olivia feel worried before? –
Explain why Olivia had felt afraid before her brother Ryan was born? –
Can you think of a time when you felt like Olivia?
Safe Places, Safe Choices
Think about it Activity: Find a space and lie down and close your eyes. Imagine you are in a place where you feel safe and happy. Think about that place identify what made you feel safe there. Who were you with? What were you doing? Why did it feel safe? Now draw it!
Optional Activity:
Wednesday 18th March 2020 An Chéadaoin 18ú Márta 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you enjoy the activities I have for you today! I am sending your parents a code on Class Dojo for each one of you to use to set up a portfolio for yourself. Then you can show me the work you are doing by photo or by recording the work in your Class Dojo folder. That way we can keep in touch. Please keep a record of the work you do every day in your homework journal or in the Class Dojo folder. Remember to keep active too, in the garden or by doing www.gonoodle.com activities inside. Don’t worry about the work I have given you. Just try your best!
Spellings: The spellings for today are Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Tables: x10 ÷10
Maths: 3rd class Busy at Maths 3 Page 136 No. 1,2,3,4
4th class: No. 1,2,3,4
Gaeilge: Revision – Léitheoireacht l. 110 Éist anseo!
Audio Player
Béal Beo 3 L.114 Éist, líon na bearnaí, tarraing pictiúir agus scríobh réamhaisnéis na haimsire.
Audio Player
Tarraing agus dathaigh an pictiúr.
Ní hé lá na báistí lá na páistí.
English: Reading Zone pg. 101
Look up red words in a dictionary.
Answer questions A on page 104.
Science: All Around Me Page 54, 55 Let’s Bridge the Gap
Remember to record your results with diagrams and words.
Follow the instructions in the boxes on pages 54 & 55.
Art: Do you remember the print rubbings we did with Caroline Conway? Using crayons do rubbings of different textures outside and inside the house with different colours. Then cut up the rubbings and use them to make a collage. Be careful not to draw on surfaces around the house! I would love to see them later!
Mother’s Day is next Sunday. Here are some activities to get you started!
SPHE: All about me.
Design a poster all about yourself. Here is an example below.
Have some fun with these activities!
PE: Remember to keep active, outside or inside or both.
We still have to run to Slieve Donard!
Here are some extra activities to be working on over the next week too!
Thursday 19th March An Déardaoin 19ú Márta 2020
Spellings: The spellings for today are Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Tables: x10 ÷10
Maths: 3rd class sheet
4th class: No. 7, 8, 9, 10
Gaeilge: Léitheoireacht l.110
Freagair na ceisteanna. Ansin tarraing agus dathaigh an pictiúr.
English: Reading page 102, 103
Look up the red words in a dictionary.
Answer questions B, C & D on page 104.
Here is some research for you to do online.
Let’s look at page 59. Draw a plan of one floor of your house. Remember to use a ruler. This is a bird’s eye view. Think of the biggest room first. Make sure your bathroom isn’t bigger than the sitting room!
Maybe you would like to draw a plan of your dream home. Be creative!
Spring flowers can be seen in the garden. Here are some art ideas for you to try. Remember Mother’s Day is on Sunday. One of these designs would make a lovely card.
PE: Make sure you get outside to run, jump, skip, hop or walk if possible.
If not use www.gonoodle.com to keep active.
Friday 20th March 2020 An Aoine 20ú
Ask someone to give you a spelling and table test today.
Maths: 3rd class
4th class
English: Read pages 101, 102, 103
Answer F on page 105. Here is another activity for you to try.
The inverted commas around the direct speech are missing. ” ”
Déan iad seo!
Can you match the instruments to the pictures.
We have been studying The Romans over the last few weeks. Here are some activities to show all you know. Click on the links below.
There is plenty of information available on www.twinkl.ie. A parent can sign up for free for a month if you wish. The offer code is IRLTWINKLHELPS.
Art: Here are some projects for today and over the weekend based on The Romans. Click on them to find out more.
Drama: Here are some suggestions for you.
Remember to get outside if you can. If not, come up with some new dance moves for your favourite songs on www.gonood