June 2020 – Second Class

Good morning 2nd class,

Can you believe we have reached the end of your second class school year, a year that will certainly never be forgotten, and one that will be embedded in our history books for years to come. What a year it has been!

I want to thank all of you for working so hard at home. I have been so impressed with the work being done by all my boys and girls each week. I couldn’t be prouder of you all!

I want our last week to be really enjoyable and stress-free. I hope you all enjoy the fun activities I will be posting for our FINAL WEEK!

***I hope to arrange a class meeting for Wednesday at 11am. I will be emailing details to you all later today.***

Thursday 25/06/20 – Home-Schools Out!!!!!

School video call @ 12am today. Let me know if you have not received an invitation and I will do my best to ensure you receive one.

Don’t forget to send me your ‘3 words’ photo. I hope to upload our montage today!

A big well done to Shauna Hennessy our ‘Bake-off Champion’. I have a prize on its way to you 🙂

Watch out Mary Berry…our girl Shauna can bake!

Last but not least…..

Thank you for working so hard at home and for sharing all your lovely photos with me each week. It has been a pleasure teaching all of you this year. Remember to keep reading and writing and learning in fun ways but for now take a break and have some fun, spend time with your friends and families and enjoy the holidays. Don’t forget to thank your teacher at home…Mammies and Daddies deserve big hugs and a well deserved break today.

Enjoy the summer everyone!!!!!!


Wednesday 24/06/20

I look forward to seeing you all on our class meeting at 11am today! 

Who would have thought we would be ending the school year like this?? Not me anyway! It has been a difficult few months for us all, which is why I would like us to end our year with some happy, positive, kind words for one another. I want you to end the year by sharing ‘3 words’ with your classmates. These 3 words can;

  1. describe how you feel about your class
  2. describe the school year you have had
  3. describe what you’re looking forward to
  4. be a message to future students

You can write the ‘3 words’ on an A4 sheet of paper. The words should be large (bubble writing if you like) enough to read clearly. You can colour and design your picture as much as you like but just make sure your words stand out. You can then take a photo of yourself with your picture. If you would like to record a video saying the ‘3 words’ that would be lovely also. The choice is yours!

When I receive everyone’s pictures I will compile them to create a class montage for you all to watch!

Have a look at some of my ideas below!

Just a snippet of the super work my class have been doing!

Tuesday 23/06/20

It was so lovely to see some of you yesterday, even if it was just a wave from your car! I received some super bake-off creations today….I really wanted to taste them. I will reveal my bake-off champion on Wednesday!

Tuesday Craft day!!!

Lets spend our Tuesday crafting!

Today, I would like you all to enjoy a fun craft day. I want each of you to make something that has a function.  This can be something simple like a necklace or something more elaborate like a bird feeder. Remember, we are a green flag school so please use recyclable items for your craft e.g. milk cartons, cereal boxes, yogurt pots, toilet rolls etc. I have a very creative second class so I have no doubt you will all come up with some super crafts on your own but if you need a little help check out some of my ideas below. I’m looking forward to seeing your wonderful creations.

Happy Crafting everyone!

Monday 22/06/20

I will be meeting 2nd class parents today who wish to collect children’s copies and worksheets. My class do not need to return any school books. I will have report cards and book lists on collection. The 2nd class collection time is 12-1pm.

News time: Please share your weeks news with me. You can write, voice record or video record it and send it to me!!

Monday bake-off!!!

Lets spend our Monday cooking up a storm!

I have heard lots about the wonderful baking and cooking you have been doing over the past few months. Some boys and girls even sent me wonderful pictures of the lovely buns, cakes and dishes they made. Well today, I challenge my second class to a bake-off!! Let’s put our baking/cooking skills to the test.

Children can bake or cook anything they want. Unfortunately, I can’t taste these creations but I will pick a bake-off champion based on how creative their final piece is!

Check out some of the ideas I have posted below!

Don’t forget to send me pictures of your delicious work!

Happy baking everyone!


Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Keep sending me your work and photos 🙂

We will continue active homework this week. Aim for 60 minutes of physical exercise each day. I have lessened the workload to allow time for this.

I will be posting some fun activities on Thursday for our ‘at-home sports day.

Please don’t worry about the work just try your best and make sure to enjoy the sunshine too 🙂

Here is your work for today!

Friday 19/06/20

It’s our Virtual School Tour Day!!!!

We are off to Dublin Zoo on our virtual school tour today. I can’t wait! You can take this tour at any time you like today.

Here are some of the things you’ll need;

  • Access to a smart tv/laptop/ tablet/ phone or device to use the links and take your tour (the tour video lasts about 17 minutes)
  • A notepad/paper and pencil to write down or draw any facts you may hear and see
  • A nice lunch with a little treat and drink

After, you might like to complete some activity sheets about Dublin Zoo. I have posted these below. Don’t forget to send me a tour photo!

Enjoy your tour boys and girls!!!!!

Here is your virtual tour link -> Zoo Tour click here

You might also like to visit the Dublin Zoo website and check out the live webcams, watch the amazing videos of all the different animals and even check out live feeding webcams at 9.30 am and 2.30 pm every day. 


Don’t forget Father’s Day this Sunday, June 21st. I have posted some special art activities you might like to complete.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Ms. Shaughnessy

 african_adventure_2nd class


father’s day tie card



Thursday 18/06/20 

Good morning boys and girls, I hope you are all ready to take part in our Sport’s Day at Home.

Take part in as many activities as you can and enjoy the day! Make sure to send me pictures and videos of you in action 🙂


Potato and spoon

Sack race

Hop on one leg race

Wheelbarrow race

Three-legged race

Skipping race

Balancing a book on your head race

Running race

Shuttle race

Ball games

Penalty shot out

Basketball shots

Hurling/camogie shots

Golf shots

Pe activities, dance and yoga

Go live with Joe- join here

Yoga class- join here

Kids Bop dance along- join here

Pe with Andy- join here

Other fun activities

Long jump

Welly throw

Hula hoops

Target throwing

Skipping challenge

Relay races  (2 teams of 2)

Fill the bucket challenge (2 teams of 1 or 2)

Obstacle course- watch here

Bottle flip- watch here

Super strong challenge- watch here

Paper plane challenge- watch here

Let the games begin!!!! Have fun everyone 🙂

Wednesday 17/06/20

Spellings: Week 36 pg 74. Complete A+B+C.

Tables: Revise subtraction tables -4


DEAR time. Read the ebook ‘Sand, Waves and Ice-cream’. sand-waves-and-ice-cream-ebook

Complete a book review on the story ‘Sand, waves and ice-cream. Take a look at the template below to help you.

Gaeilge – An Samhradh:

Bí ag léamh agus tarraing pictiúr. Read and learn the words on the word mat. Draw a summer picture labeling items from the word mat. You should include at least 6 items from the word mat in your picture. Write 5 sentences about your picture in Irish. Try your best, if you get stuck use the examples below to help you.

mar shampla;

  1. An Samhradh atá ann.
  2. Tá hata gréine orm.
  3. Is maith liom _______.
  4. Ní maith liom _______.
  5. Feicim _______ sa spéir.


Complete the math challenge below.

Try some of these number riddles. You might need a little help to get started but they are lots of fun! math riddles 

Sese: Summer bucket list.

Make a summer bucket list. A bucket list is a list of things that you would like to do. Take a look at the list I have posted and try come up with your own. Write at least ten things you would like to do or achieve this summer.

Tuesday 16/06/20

Spellings: Week 35 pg 73. Complete D+E+F.

Tables: Revise subtraction tables -3


DEAR time. Pick up a book and spend 15 minutes reading.

What are you planning for your summer break this year? Your original plans have probably changed a bit due to the coronavirus but we can still look forward to doing lots of nice things with our families over the summer. Complete the worksheet below.

Gaeilge – An Samhradh:

Bí ag léamh agus tarraing na rudaí sa phictiúr. Read and learn the words on the word mat. Draw the items into the picture. Don’t worry if you can’t print…just draw the picture in your copy.


Complete the speed test below. Remember to time yourself. It’s not a race so take your time. The aim is to stay focused and work each sum out correctly.

Sese: Read all about Tigers!

Read the text below and answer A+B in your copy.

Monday 15/06/20

Spellings: Week 35 pg 72. Complete A+B+C.

Tables: Revise subtraction tables -2

I love reading everyone’s news so please write all about what you’ve been up to!

News Time: in your homework copy write at least 10 lines of your news. Draw a picture to go with it. Remember to recheck your work for – capital letters, finger spacing, full stops and neat cursive writing.

Gaeilge: An nuacht. Try writing your news without looking at the sheet. Use the sheet provided if needed. At this stage we should know our news in Irish very well.

An Nuacht


DEAR time. Pick up a book and spend 15 minutes reading.

As we approach the end of our school year, I would love to hear what you have enjoyed most and all about the memories you have made this year.  Complete the worksheet below or write/draw your own memories into your copy.

Maths: Complete the mental maths worksheet.

Try this speed test. Time yourself! Use a rough work page to do your workings. Answer on the sheet or write in your copy.

Art: What is your favourite ice-cream? I love mint chocolate chip! Design a summer ice-cream…it can be a mixture of all your favourites and have as many toppings as you like! Draw and colour your creation. My mouths watering already.. Yum, Yum!

Happy Monday everyone!


Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I’m looking forward to chatting with you all again on Tuesday at 11am. We are officially on countdown to our summer holidays…so keep up the hard work for the remaining few weeks. Thank you to all the boys and girls, who have been sending me such wonderful work and pictures and thank you to all the parents who have been doing the hard work at home.

Homework for this week homework week11

Friday 12/06/20

English – procedural writing

Read the procedure ‘How to make Healthy Ice-lollies’. Find the bossy verbs in the text and underline or list them in your copy.

Next, complete your own procedural writing piece. Use one of the following headings; 1.How to clean your bedroom. 2. How to wash your hands. 3. How to make hot chocolate. 4. How to make a delicious sandwich  or come up with your own heading. Don’t forget to recheck and edit your work.

Gaeilge – dul siar

Maths – addition and subtraction problems.

Complete Q.1-7. Read Q.8-11 and see if you can figure out how to solve these trickier problems.

Try these fun problem solving puzzles to get your brain thinking!

Sese- Predict the weather.

Fun Friday!!! 

Why not make the healthy Ice-lollies from your English today.

Happy Friday everyone! Enjoy the weekend 🙂

Thursday 11/06/20

English – Grammar time

Bossy verbs tell us what to do e.g. cut, chop, stir, slice etc. Complete the worksheet in your copy.

Gaeilge – Dul siar 

Maths – Addition and Subtraction

Sese – Predicting the weather

Wednesday 10/06/20

It was so lovely to chat and see all your faces yesterday. I hope you enjoyed catching up 🙂

English – Procedural writing

Read the sheet on editing. See how the writer edits their work to improve their writing. What has the writer changed to make it read and look better?

Using the sheet below, write instruction for the pictures.

Gaeilge – Dul siar

Learn the words and complete the sentences in your copy.

Maths – Addition and Subtraction problems

Read the questions carefully and work out the problems. For some of these problems you might need to add and subtract. Look at my example to help you work out the problems.

Q.1 There are 24 cats in my pet shop. I bought 5 more and then I sold 9.


Remember, we always answer the sum in the brackets first.



*Try work out the problems using the method above.

Sese – Summer

Using what you learned last week, complete the template below. This sheet does not need to printed it can be done in your copy or on a sheet. Be as creative as you like!

Art – Bingo art

Tuesday 9/06/20

I’m looking forward to chatting with you all at 11am. 🙂

English – Procedural writing

Read ‘How to make Glove Puppets’. Answer A+B in your copy. Using a dictionary, look up any focus words you don’t know the meaning of.

Gaeilge – Dul siar (revision) Bia (food)

Learn the words below. We should by now know and be able to read the foods listed below.

Write 4 ‘Is maith liom ____’ and 4 ‘Ní maith liom ___’ sentences using the food words listed above. Some of you will be well able to change some sentences to ‘Is brea’ or ‘Is fuath’.

For example.

  1. Is maith liom bainne.
  2. Ní maith liom uisce.

Maths – Addition and Subtraction

Check the sign (+/-)  before you answer each question. Remind yourself of subtraction rules. Don’t forget to recheck your work when your done.

Sphe – Feeling safe

Drama – Don’t forget to record the drama lesson on RTE school hub at 11am.

drama_fun family games

drama_mime cards

Monday 8/06/20

Gaeilge – An Nuacht 

An Nuacht

Maths – Math Challenge


I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and the beautiful sunshine. I can’t believe it’s June already…and although we’re still working from home let’s try make June a fun, active month. Normally, we would enjoy active homework in June so keeping with tradition I will be giving active home tasks each day for the remaining weeks. Don’t jump for joy just yet as we will still have some school work to do but I have reduced the school work to allow extra time for active work outside. I will also be organizing another class video call for next week so stay tuned for more details on this  🙂

Homework for this week homework week10

Please don’t worry about the work just try your best and make sure to enjoy the sunshine too 🙂

Aim for 60 minutes of Active homework each day. Active-Homework-Challenges

Check out the fantastic work my class have been sending!!

If you don’t see your work here, don’t worry….I have more to post tomorrow!

Friday 5/06/20

English – The First Flight

Read ‘The First Flight’.


Imagine you were watching Wilbur and Orville Wright fly an aeroplane for the first time. Write a report for a newspaper. Use the worksheet below to help you.

Read all about Amelia Earhart, the first female to fly on her own across the Atlantic.

Gaeilge – Litriú

Math – Time 

Religion – Act of Kindness

Make someones day a little sweeter with a random act of kindness!

Art – Summertime

I love going to the beach! What’s your favourite thing to do in summer? Paint, draw, colour, chalk or sketch your favourite summer scene.

Friday fun!!!!

Why not try make a nature bracelet….all you need is duct tape and nature.


Why not try making a simple daisy chain.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!!!

Take care,

Ms. Shaughnessy 🙂

Thursday 4/06/20

I hope to arrange a class video call next Tuesday at 11am. I can’t wait to chat you all again!! If anyone wants to change the email they originally gave me just let me know viva email, if not I will use the previous email given. See you soon 🙂

English – D.E.A.R. Time + Grammar time

Gaeilge – An Samhradh

Maths – Time

Religion – Act of Kindness

What act of kindness will you do today?

Sphe – Water safety

Check out the link posted to read about water safety.


Design a poster promoting water safety.

Sese – Summer time!

What is your favourite summer activity? Show me with a photo or a drawing.

Complete the worksheet below.

Wednesday 3/06/20

English – The First Flight

Read ‘The First Flight’ and answer B+C in your copy.

Gaeilge – An trá

Fuair Niamh –  Niamh got

Ní bhfuair Niamh – Niamh did not get

Maths – Time

Practice time using a clock. Ask someone at home to test you on the different times e.g. 1/2 past, 1/4 past, 1/4 to.

Religion – Acts of kindness

If we can be anything, let’s be Kind! This week I want my 2nd class boys and girls to complete at least one random act of kindness each day. This will be an extremely easy task for my very kind boys and girls!

Sese – Signs of summer!


Take pictures and send them to me please 🙂

Tuesday 2/06/20

English – The First Flight

Answer question A in your copy.

Gaeilge – An Nuacht

An Nuacht

Maths – Time Revision

Art – Bingo sheet (colour as your complete)

Well done on another great weeks work from everyone. I am delighted to hear you’re all excited for our class video call on Tuesday. The class call will be on google.meet which you access through your email.  I will be sending the link to join to your parents viva email later today. If I don’t have your email please ensure you send it to me today. I can’t wait to chat you all 🙂

I hope you enjoy the work this week.homework week9

Please don’t worry about the work just try your best and make sure to enjoy the sunshine too 🙂

Keep up the active work…

and keep reading!
